So I've finally finished getting everything out of my store and either into storage or home. I'm trying to figure out where I go from here.
1) I need some kind of work, preferably something that actually pays money, as opposed to the shop which didn't. I'm looking into some options here, but don't really know what's going to happen or what I'll end up doing.
2) I need to actually start exercising regularly. I've renewed a gym membership that lapsed a couple of years ago, now I need to start using it. Unfortunately, the personal trainer option is expensive, so I'll have to see what I can figure out on my own and with a doctor's help.
3) Household clean up. The
Button Lady needs to help out with this as a significant chunk of the mess is hers, but I've got several years of accumulated paper to filter and pitch. This is gonna take a while. What's worse is that at this time of year, I'm really gonna need to work in the wee hours of the morning or after sunset to avoid the day's heat. We can't put in the AC until we clear a path to a suitable size window.
4) Improve the diet. Before I even
think about counting calories, I need to work on a) my fiber intake, b) my intake of fruits and vegetables, especially ones high in vitamin C and folic acid. I've installed menu planning software and plan to start using it to come up with suggestions for things I can add to my diet and ways to prepare them. Of course, I'm also going to be scouring my dead trees cookbooks as well.
In addition to all that, I want to start posting regularly on my blogs. Think that's a big enough "to-do" list?